A celebration of Womankind: Organisations and businesses to support this Women's Day

August is Women’s Month in South Africa. In celebration of all the incredible females who continue to care, support, provide and fight for themselves and others in this country, we wanted to share a few of our favourite Women-run businesses who could really use our collective support right now. For the remainder of this month, we encourage you to learn more about the countless organisations run by South African Women and to leverage your privilege to help them.
These local businesses aim to uplift and initiate positive change through the work that they do – and how wonderful if we could all play a part in it? Let’s support where we can. And let’s spread the word to help our sisters thrive. Community first, always.
One Bag Full
Reacting quickly to the impending crisis of Covid 19, four friends realised the grave impact that lockdown would have on the underprivileged in South Africa and established One Bag Full – just before lockdown.
There are three different avenues you can get involved in. The first, Bags of Love, challenges you to fill a bag with a minimum of 14 things that you love, but no longer need. The second, the Langa Feeding Scheme, is where donations can be made – aimed at eradicating hunger (just R60,90 can feed a child for one week). The third, Weekly Sandwich and Fruit Challenge, encourages you to spend a little time in the kitchen making sandwiches. These are handed out to communities for immediate consumption.
Instagram: @Onebag_full
Mama Bongi
Mama Bongi started her own chocolate chip cookie business after receiving countless requests from outsiders to purchase her delicious treats. With a little help she established Mama Bongi and is learning how to run her own business – even offering at-home cooking lessons. She is able to send money home to her children in Zimbabwe and is fulfilling her dream of lifting up and teaching others.
Instagram: @mama.bongi
Keep The Energy
This Nonprofit Organisation’s aim is to fight gender-based violence against women, children and LGBTQIA and persons. #keeptheenergy does not let the atrocities that occur in our country on a daily basis go unheard or unseen. It is an extremely powerful account.
Instagram: @keeptheenergy
Mbali Magubane
Illustrator; feminist; activist – Mbali Magubane. We stumbled upon this account via Keep The Energy and her illustrations are bold, colourful and relevant. Take a look for yourself.
Instagram: @mother_flowerer
Style Rotate
This female owned startup is a platform that aims to lengthen the lifespan of a garment by allowing customers to rent outfits for a short period of time. By rotating outfits, they aim to make fashion more sustainable by discouraging wasteful purchasing and over-production of clothing. Currently the fashion industry is the second most polluting industry in the world. By enabling customers to rent and share clothing, customers get access to incredible items of clothing while decreasing the negative impact on the environment.
Instagram: @stylerotate
Give Her Hope
The idea behind Give Her Hope is to give dignity and hope to women who have not been given employment opportunities. They seek to empower unemployed women from a local community by training and employing them, thereby enabling them to provide for their families. These women make and sell natural, cruelty free, vegan soaps in the most dreamy fragrances and are all beautifully packaged individually or in gift boxes.
Instagram: @giveherhope_soap