Mother's Day 2023
How has motherhood shifted the way in which you do business (if at all)?
Karin: Motherhood has transformed the way I manage my time. I no longer procrastinate or fret about trivial matters. Being a mother has forced me to rely more on my team and broadened my leadership style.
What has been the most difficult part of being a business owner and a mother?
Karin: As a mother, I often find myself caught in a challenging balancing act between the limited time available with my child and the demands of running a business that I deeply care about. Despite my best intentions, I may not always have the necessary energy to be as involved as I desire, this often results in feelings of guilt and frustration.
Karin: You have the power to bring your wildest dreams to life, but don't cling too tightly to the end result - let it gracefully unfold as it will. When you open yourself up to collaborative creation, magic happens. So don't be afraid to play and experiment with those around you - who knows what wonders you'll create!
Megan: That women can be creative and start businesses and take up space in the arena. It's scary putting yourself out there but I don't want my daughters to be scared of failure. I hope they see my dedication and drive as inspiring. I also think that our innate feminine energy should be seen as a strength of a female business owner. We don’t need to run businesses like men, we need to run them like women.
Karin: As you embark on this new adventure, know that you are never alone. Embrace the difficulties, lean on your community, and practice self-love with every step.
Megan: No tricky phase lasts forever! I remember when I had my first baby I thought I would never sleep again but having done it twice, just know you do get your sleep back and your time for yourself. I enjoyed all the late nights with my second as I knew it was temporary and I soaked in all closeness and all those cuddles. They grow up so fast, it's so important to be present which I am continuously trying to be.